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what growing up is all about

What is growing up? Is it just simply achieving our goals, those big milestones, or just simply adding another year under our belts?

When I initially decided to start a blog about seven years ago, the sole purpose was too well, share about what it was is like “growing up”. Once I took the plunge and created this page I knew there was no going back, having this creative space to share all I had to offer truly excited me. Besides I was newly wed, making a home and life for her self and wanted to share every single possible detail that I could. (Thoughts that I thought/knew people would benefit from). Sharing recipes, makeup, weekend tables capes, to even giving advice that no one had asked for; but at the end of the day, I wanted to simply be a big sister to those who wanted one.

Now, let’s take a trip down memory lane. We’re talking about 2017/2018, and at the time “bloggers” were the IT thing! And I’m not talking about the influencers we have today, I’m talking creating Pinterest boards, and YouTube videos, (and I was that girl). I had spent countless hours creating content, writing posts, YouTube videos and truly devoting my self to this creative outlet that I loved; but behind the scenes there was much more happening in my life that I could chew and I had to give up the one thing that brought me true happiness blogging.

Fast forward about three years 2020, I found my self starting over, and everyone know starting from the ground up isn't easy. Going through a divorce, healing, learning to fall in love again, and just rebuilding my self to create the life I had always wanted.

2021 I got remarried to the most amazing man ever! You know when people say they are the luckiest girl alive, well I full heartedly feel that way. My husband who has really been my rock and my biggest supporter has always said I should follow my dreams and do what I love, so I contemplated rebranding and started over, and I got that spark of joy back! But in 2022/2023 who even reads a blog post, does anyone even know what a blogger is? There is new way of blogging that we have come to learn and love, and that’s called well being an influencer and how does one become an “influencer”, well that’s simple. INSTAGRAM! The IT way to voice ones opinion is to create a reel or a story and add a bunch of hashtags. But I wanted to be able to mesh both of those worlds together. Today no one wants to take the time to read a well thought out post, they want to see a picture, click on the link, "add to cart", and call it a day. (Yes my self included, that is what happens when you become the generation if instant gratification).

When I got pregnant with our son, I once again had to give up my content creating due to my high risk pregnancy, but I knew that this was going to be a chapter of my life that I wanted to share. So here I am, embarking on this new chapter in my life, motherhood. While I love my insta fam, I feel like have so much to say and so much to share that I can’t fully use my platform to its full potential solely on instagram. Therefore I’ve decided to do just that, if you’re interested in well I guess watching me grow up, because I’ve got a lot more to do, please stay tuned.

This journey is one that I couldn’t be more grateful to have. Becoming a wife, a mother, a business owner, and just everything in between is beyond humbling and I can’t wait to share my experiences with you all.





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